
3 Years full-time mode

Skill Course

pursuing ‘Industry fit’ diploma


Where Excellence Meets Opportunity


Education Services

A renowned name in the global education and assistance through appropriate Counselling and excellent Guidance to students


Global Education Hubs

An international partnership working out to implement education reforms in different sectors with education support


Knowledge for All!

We're committed to making knowledge available to all to enhance the adoption and innovation of Resources

About SR Technologist

Where Knowledge Meets Innovation

Knowledge and innovation are often closely related, with knowledge being a driving force behind innovation. Innovation is the practical application of knowledge to create something new or improve an existing product, service, or process. Explore emerging trends and innovations in technology that are likely to shape the future of professional development.

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Knowledge Beyond Boundaries

A knowledge-driven view of innovation starts with permission: permission to be creative, permission to fail, permission to explore.

Sanjib Roy

Founder, SR Technologist

Fast-Track Bachelor Course

Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc)

Fast-Track Skill Course

‘Industry fit’ Diploma

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Our students create a vibrant and inclusive community


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Share stories of individuals who have overcome challenges. Be respectful and empathetic towards others.


Startup success stories

Inclusive communities create a space where everyone feels valued and welcomed.

More about our Alumni


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